Friday, May 31, 2013


New Zealand Real Ale Bar of the Month for May is Galbraith's.

Galbraith's remains the North Island's unquestionable beer mecca. In the year since its last honourable mention in these pages, the other sources of real ale in the Auckland region have dried up. The much-lamented Cock and Bull chain has been bought, its award-winning beer ceased, and it now seems to be suffering a slow descent into some sort of tacky faux-Irish-branded set of bars serving bland national keg beer; hardly a recipe to attract people who care about beer, one would think! The Speakers Corner English Ale House on the North Shore has ceased using its handpumps, apparently after a row with their supplier (Galbraith's) about pricing. A handful of new breweries have opened up in recent months around the city. Alas, they perpetuate the mistaken view that beer has to be fizzy, whereas beer lovers will understand that anything that has to be artificially carbonated in order to get it to the bar really isn't beer at all. Against this dispiriting background, Galbraith's is a true oasis. The only establishments that come anywhere close to Galbraith's (Cassels and the rejuvenated Twisted Hop, both in Christchurch) may have their moments of deserved and happy success, but there really is nowhere else to compare to Galbraith's in terms of its long-standing, consistently outstanding beer. Time-after-time, their beers are crystal clear, pretty-much the perfect temperature, aromatic, and immaculately balanced (although perhaps tending towards a little too much sweetness in order to cater for the average NZ palate?). Keep up the good work, and long may your success continue. Cheers!

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