Sunday, February 24, 2013


New Zealand Real Ale Bar of the Month for February is Volstead.

In the immediate aftermath of the Christchurch earthquake a couple of years ago, friends and neighbours met in each other's homes and garages to drink and socialise. Where else were they to go? All the familiar drinking venues had collapsed or were closed and off limits. Volstead, in a small converted industrial unit just off Riccarton Road, has been a wonderful continuation of this spirit over the last year and a half. Ostensibly inspired by the American prohibition-era speakeasy, Volstead is happily different to the other soulless, bland and tacky theme bars in the area. Its spartan appearance, complete with mismatching furniture which really does look like is has come out of a skip may not be to everyone's taste, but if you're looking for a laidback place where beer and amiable conversation rule, then Volstead should not disappoint. On summer evenings, the huge main door is completely opened up, leaving happy drinkers to spill out into the front courtyard area, enjoying the last of the day's sun. In winter, it can be a little chillier inside, but at least that ensures the beer does not get too warm. Early demand saw handpulled beer feature strongly, and there are now five handpumps. Unfortunately, at this stage all the handpumps are connected to bags of beer, but the staff go to trouble to ensure the beer pulled through is fresh, close to the correct temperature of about 12 °C, and not unduly cloudy. The beer is usually pretty good, and it's revealing to drink some of the unfiltered and unpasteurised beers that they dispense by handpump, comparing them to identical beers pushed up to the bar and impregnated by artificial carbonation in other bars. It would be great to see Volstead going the final step of installing a small refrigerated room behind the brick bar and tapping beer direct from the cask! Beers on handpump are likely to come from breweries such as Twisted Hop, Cassels, Townshend, Four Avenues, Golden Eagle and Yeastie Boys. Keep your eyes open for a microbrewery next door.

1 comment:

  1. You may like to know that the Peak Brewery in Wairarapa, which supplies some of these other pubs on occasion, has a beer garden running (almost) every Sunday afternoon at the brewery. With a mixture of kegged and hand-pulled beer, as well as bottle-conditioned ales, we are one of the few true "Real Ale" outlets in the country.
